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For twenty years, Fate (“Do”) has been an open call to artists from all over the world to participate in the cultural and environmental regeneration of San Potito Sannitico.

Fate Festival

Since 2004, the town has hosted the annual FateFESTIVAL, a participatory arts festival in which creatives from various disciplines perform or intervene in public spaces. The main aim of the festival was to promote the territory through art and to connect the local with the global. The only requirement for the participants was to express their creativity freely. Accordingly, the festival did not have a standard format but encouraged continuous experimentation: each year there were new themes to tackle, original talents to host and experimental techniques to explore.

Fate Cinema

In 2015, FateCINEMA was born, an independent cinema lab, for Italian and foreign filmmakers that shooted short films in town, starring the territory. Cinema spread to the streets, and crews were able to freely develop their art by discovering and recalling local history and culture with the help of the locals.

Open Air Laboratory

Everyone and everything was involved in all these Fate events: the streets, historic buildings, and fountains became the canvas for national and international artists; the town’s inhabitants starred in films and became actors, crew members, and screenwriters; art groups were invited to portray and disseminate local stories: San Potito Sannitico became an open-air arts laboratory

cultural rebirth

As a result of this creative virtuous cycle (and astonished by the town’s openness to co-create with us), we decided that we needed to evolve into an ecosystem that could sustain itself. Thus, FateLAB was born, a permanent organisation that collaborates with national and international creatives to promote new approaches to cultural production. An ecosystem that operates on a local level, always keeping an eye on issues that have a global impact.