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San Potito Sannitico

Documentario realizzato da Domingo De Luis

Chronicles of San Potito Sannitico

San Potito makes you realize that life is not just about existing, but coexisting. It pushes your individual limits and makes you rethink the entire structure of modern life. I can fantasize to return one day with the same people to build, mend, and embrace the beautiful things and mistakes of this great challenge…

Posso sognare di tornare un giorno con le stesse persone per costruire, riparare e abbracciare le cose belle e gli errori di questa grande sfida…

Michelle Jean Castro - Architect in Residence

San Potito Sannitico is physically small and knows it. But San Potito is also - and above all - infinite, and not only does it know this, but it has demonstrated and confirmed it from year to year, with an increasingly louder voice. It is the crossing point of all possible worlds,from those of the most overwhelming wonder to those of the loudest tears. In one day you think you've seen it all and the next day you start all over again. And all over again you start to see yourself too, most likely in front of a work of art: those who get lost in San Potito are lucky.

Daniela Marchitto - Passing Philosopher

San Potito Sannitico is a quaint, beautiful little town that seems calm and placid when you first arrive; the air is fresh from the mountains and friendly stray dogs trot along the cobblestone paths. Everybody is friendly and greets with a smile, but you will quickly realize that past that exterior something even more amazing lies. Art. Youth. Energy. The seemingly laid-back town possesses an eagerness to embrace the new and the colorful, self-expression explodes in myriads of shades all over the walls of this little town in places where you least expect it. It's a congregation of the energies of the world. It has given birth to a new age of small towns in Italy.

Ashleigh Goh - director, winner of the 2015 Cici Film Festival

In San Potito the water flows generously and fresh, abundant and clear. And it does it down, in the underground bowels, but also in the open air under the sky, visible in fountains, canals, wash houses, which belong to the community and are used by it in various ways. Water is also visible in the abundance of greenery, plants, flowers, trees, gardens that make the town a pleasant, sweet, dreamy place. (…) Something happened in San Potito. I attended an event. I have seen artists from various parts of the world close themselves with their faces towards a wall but return evocative, provocative, destabilizing figures that have remained like tattoos on the body of the country. In the obscenity of the public body.

Paolo De Falco

San Potito was for us a garden-town-in-motion: those who live there and their ideas - even when they take root - willingly let themselves be carried on the wings of the wind or on the back of some animal, and know how to welcome the inhabitants of other worlds. San Potito is therefore in every corner of the universe that offers a good shelter to men, plants and their dreams.

Wandering Gardeners

In order for a mural to be for everyone, it must belong to everyone and everyone must participate in the experience, directly or indirectly. Well, this is a small miracle that manifested itself in the days of FateFest; in fact, I saw an entire community involved in making art, getting their hands and faces dirty with colour, creating beauty, enriching the territory and themselves (…) In San Potito Sannitico the gift of art was welcomed and reciprocated by the enthusiasm and involvement of the inhabitants. Art is in fact recognition, correspondence. It is no coincidence that in the Naturalis Historia Pliny the Elder talks about the birth of painting as a gesture of love. (…) A story that continues here, in the streets of San Potito Sannitico.

Federica Belmonte

In San Potito there is water, during the day, at night, everywhere. You can hear it in the air and in your ears. It's in the mountains but it floats, it flows slowly but continuously. Nothing stands still even when everything appears still. It's small but has space for everything. When you leave you leave something there and take a piece with you. With the Fate Festival it is filled with exotic animals and the local fauna swarms and bustles. Everything mixes and lights up. Cinema, art, gardens, people, walls change shape and become recognition and estrangement, participation and observation, thought and action.

Carola CI - did something at the Fate Festival and ate at almost all the houses in San Potito

Two aliens in San Potito. A video camera in their hands. A large pois bag. When we arrived here by chance and by necessity, following our instinct, which did not betray us, we found the village ready like the athletes on the starting line, and together we embarked on this adventure called Crema Caserta. Everyone here knows what it means to create something from nothing, everyone here knows what it means to make a film. We were able to be ambitious and wild in crafting this surreal story without ever doubting the trust of those who participated in the game. Because in San Potito, you’re seriously playing at being more than just a village, you’re playing at being the whole world. We saw them glow and we too glowed, like fireflies, for thirty days. They became our irreverent film, which didn't exist before and is now almost a reality. Because this is a true story, word of aliens!

Mela Boev & Jonathan Gottesmann