Curated by Giovanni Timpani, professor of art publishing at the Academy of Fine Arts in Carrara and engraving techniques at the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples, the course provided a comprehensive exploration of Engraving and Art Printing Techniques through an immersive series of hands-on activities. Participants explored the unique aspects of engraving, from creating the engraved matrix to producing precious original art prints.
Noteworthy artists like Mono González, Tono Cruz, and Giuliana Conte further enriched the course by leading an experimental workshop on Woodcut and Cyanotype techniques. The event also featured an educational track for children, offering them an initial introduction to graphic arts.
The success of the course was emphasized by a concluding meeting with Vittorio Avella and Antonio Sgambati, founders 40 years ago of the Art Printing House & Publishing Company “Il Laboratorio/ le edizioni”, and cenriched by the participation of the poet Mimmo Grasso.
Giovanni Timpani remarked, “Given the success and positive outcome of the activity, future initiatives are planned for a dialogue between important realities of national and international contemporary art and the potential of a territory always attentive to art and culture.”
FateLAB in collaboration with the Art Printing House & Publishing Company “Il Laboratorio/ le edizioni”, and funded by the Municipality of San Potito Sannitico